Sierra Madre, CA. – June 1, 20152015 Sierra Madre Concerts Series Starts June 13th!!
Get ready to start off your summer with some amazing music in Sierra Madre! Thanks to the generous support of community sponsors and series title sponsor The Kensington, Sierra Madre residents won’t have to travel far to enjoy this summer staple. The 2015 Summer Concerts in the Park Series kicks off on Saturday, June 13 at 6:30 pm and then runs every Sunday from 6pm – 8pm until August 9th. Concerts take place in the Memorial Park Bandshell and are completely free to the public. Memorial Park is located at 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA, 91024. Patrons are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets, and their dancing shoes as well as support local organizations that may provide refreshments. There will be something for everyone as this year’s featured bands represent a wide array of musical genres.
2015 Summer Concerts in the Park Lineup
June 13 (Saturday) – Pasadena Community Orchestra (Classical)
June 21 – Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters Association: Pat O’Brian and the Priests of Love (Rock Blues)
Food- Corfu & The Ice Princess
June 28 – Sierra Madre Civic Club: Heartache Tonight (Eagles Tribute)
Food- Home Baked Goodness!
July 5 – Sierra Madre Music: Local Talent! (Variety)
Food- Corfu & The Ice Princess
July 12 –: Spero Foundation: The Decades of Rock (Classic Rock)
Food- Peppertree Grill
July 19 –: LA County Arts Commission Senior Community Commission: Sgt. Pepper (Beatles Tribute)
Food- Corfu & The Ice Princess
July 26 –: Sierra Madre Community Foundation: Cash Up Front (Johnny Cash Tribute)
Food- Peppertree Grill and The Ice Princess
August 2 – Sierra Madre Rotary Club: Elvis
Food- Rounds Burger Truck
August 9 – Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club and Friends of the SM Library: Gem City Jazz Cats (Jazz)
Food- Corfu and CAKE!! (Offered by Kiwanis Club)
The Sierra Madre Community Service Department would like to thank the following sponsors for making the 2015 Concerts in the Park Series possible: The Kensington (title sponsor), Friends of the Sierra Madre Library, LA County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, Pasadena Community Orchestra, Senior Community Commission, Sierra Madre Civic Club, Sierra Madre Community Foundation, Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, Sierra Madre Music, Sierra Madre Rotary Club, Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighter’s Association, and Spero Foundation. For more information on the Concerts in the Park Series please contact the Community Services Department at