SWAT Call-Out Checklist

  1. Command Post:
  2. Command and Control Identified. Broadcasted to personnel
  3. Identify and Communicate: Situation/Mission/Execution. What is the "END STATE"
  4. Establish Inner and Outer Perimeter
  5. Communications / Radio Channel (consider recording direct frequencies with DAR)
  6. Location info, addresses, description, phone, surveillance cameras
  7. Suspect(s) and Vehicle(s)
  8. Suspect(s) Criminal History
  9. Children, Pets, and/or Elderly
  10. Evacuations
  11. Casualty Collection Point
  12. Rally Area
  13. Is Mutual Aid Needed: What is being requested? Where to respond?
  14. Stage Fire Department / Medical Plan / Hospital
  15. PIO / Media Staging Area
  16. Route of Travel for responding personnel
  17. Assignments
  18. Containment / Long Rifle / React
  19. Gas Plan and Less Lethal Considerations
  20. Airship with Downlink
  21. K9
  22. Detectives Notified for Search / Arrest Warrant if feasible
  23. Crime scene preservation
  24. Red Cross Assistance for evacuees and food
  25. Traffic Control
  26. Equipment: