Hostage Situation - SWAT Response


To safely rescue/recover hostages or captives, utilizing the skills of team, speed, surprise, intelligence, technology and diversion. Efforts will be made to negotiate with the hostage taker, but if a window of opportunity presents itself which would favor a successful rescue, the incident commander should consider initiating the rescue. Other items of consideration should include: the use force policy, the safety of officers affecting the rescue and legal considerations for successful prosecution.
Hostage Defined:
-A person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of a condition
Captive Defined:
-A person who has been taken prisoner (negotiations are less likely to be successful because the suspect doesn't want anything in return)

Things to consider:

  1. Option to de-escalate by means of Negotiations
  2. REACT will be staged in the event a hasty rescue needs to be conducted.
  3. Long Rifle / Observer Teams will be deployed (Sniper Initiated Assault considered if other means fail)
  4. Evacuation of Neighboring Properties
  5. A "Deliberate Assault" team should be formed and a plan should be established if a planned rescue is determined to be the safest way to rescue the hostages. Practice in residences with similar floor plans if available.
  6. Have a team in place to recover hostages that are released/escape.
  7. Have a plan in place to take the suspect(s) into custody if he/she should surrender.
  8. Discuss what SWAT will do if:
    • Shots are fired inside the location
    • Shots are fired at officers
    • The suspect(s) actively assaults the hostages/captives
    • A fire starts inside the location
    • The suspect separates from the hostages
  9. If window of opportunity arises, consider initiating a Hostage Rescue utilizing SPEED, SURPISE, TECHNOLOGY and DIVERSION. Consider the following:
    • The likeliness of safely rescuing the Hostage(s) if SWAT initiates a rescue attempt
    • If Hostage(s)/Captive(s) escape, "Jack Pot" will be aired to all SWAT personnel and the situation will be treated like a "Barricaded Suspect"
    • Was the suspect(s) open to negotiations/communication
    • The layout of the property and fortifications
    • The location of the suspect/hostages (stealth probe to contact)
    • Type of weapon(s) the suspect is armed with
    • The number of suspects
    • The mindset / mental health of the suspect (reference "When Concern for Hostages/Captives should be heightened" which is listed below)
    • Is the suspect under the influence of a controlled substance/alcohol?
    • "Stockholm Syndrome". Will hostages/captives assist the suspect(s)
    • The health of the hostages / victims. Can they be moved?
    • Likeliness of SWAT personnel's approach to be compromised (utilize distraction techniques such as low flying helicopters, a NFDD on the opposite side of the building, lights, noises etc.)

Options to consider:

  1. CNT Negotiators convince suspect(s) to surrender / release hostages
  2. REACT / DELIBERATE ASSAULT performs a dynamic HRT operation
  3. Stealth Probe to Contact
  4. Sniper Initiated Assault
  5. Vehicle Delivery / Vehicle Assault
  6. Electronic Surveillance
  7. K9 (Riverside K9 Hostage Rescue)
  8. Turn off power/gas to property


  1. Suspect is believed to be involved with a terrorist organization
  2. Suspect Killed Hostage After Dialogue Has Been Established
  3. When the suspect is related to the victim, the tension often aggravates the existing enmity, making the hostage/captive more likely to harm
  4. Suspect is harming the hostage/victim (physical violence, rape and/or torture)
  5. Hostages/Captives faces are covered (not seeing hostages/captives as humans)
  6. Hostages are primarily children, elderly or injured (unable to escape, higher needs, emotionally immature)

Team Leader Considerations:

  1. SWAT personnel should consider the following equipment:
    • Gas Masks
    • Less Lethal (40 mm, Taser, OC or CS)
    • Long gun / Hand gun
    • NFDD's
    • Breaching Equipment (KBT, mechanical ram, pick, breaching shotgun, rake/break tool)
    • Shields
    • High Intensity Lights
    • Pole Cameras / Under Door Cameras
    • Ranger Room Reader
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Robots / Drones
    • Trauma Kit
  2. Advise Team Members to silence cellular phones
  3. Prepare NFDD pins
  4. Press check weapons
  5. Ensure each Team Member knows their role if a Dynamic HRT is initiated
  6. Remind personnel of contingency plans such as "Jack Pot", "Avalanche", "Officer Down"
  7. Remind Team Members to activate their DAR's
  8. Discuss what SWAT will do if:
    • Shots are fired inside the location
    • Shots are fired at officers
    • The suspect(s) actively assaults the hostages/captives
    • A fire starts inside the location
    • The suspect separates from the hostages
    • Hostage/Captives escape
    • Suspect surrenders
    • Sniper Team engages the Suspect(s)
  9. Consider assigning other SWAT personnel to provide distractions if HRT is initiated (outside NFDD, low flying helicopter, MAD Hailer announcements, rake/break)