Police response to a Missing Person investigation is complex in nature and varies depending on the circumstances. In some cases, time is of the most importance and many resources will be called upon to locate the missing person. The goal of these investigations is to locate the missing person and get them assistance (if needed). A missing person should be classified as "Critical" if one or more of the following exists:
- Foul play is suspected
- The MP is need of medical attention
- There is no pattern of disappearing or running away
- The MP may be a victim of parental abduction
- The MP is mentally impaired
- Any individual under the age of 18. (Note: policy requires supervisor notification if MP is under the age of 16).
Patrol Officers Responsibilites:
- Obtain statements from RP and witnesses.
- Broadcast a BOLO to all patrol personnel (dispatch should periodically dispatch until MP has been located)
- Notify records immediately if MP is at risk or under the age of 21. No later than 2 hours for critical missing people, 4 hours for all other cases.
- Obtain photo of MP and fingerprint card (if feasible).
- Get DNA submission from from family and if possible get something that has DNA (i.e. toothbrush).
- Obtain dental X-rays / photo form.
- Get any other documents (court orders etc) from family
- Obtain cell phones, MP's cell phone number, search computers, text messages etc.
- Obtain social media information
Silver Alert:
- Missing Person is 65 years or older
- The investigating law enforcement agency has utilized all available local resources
- The agency determines that the person has gone missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances
- The person is in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, environment or weather conditions, that the person is in the company of a potentially dangerous person, or that there are other factors indicating that the person may be in peril.
- There is information available that, if disseminated to the public, could assist in the safe recovery of the missing person.
Amber Alert:
- Abduction has been determined to have occurred.
- The victim is 17 years of age or younger, or has a proven mental or physical disability.
- The victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death.
- There is information available that, if provided to the public, could assist in the child's safe recovery.