Services Include
Zoning Review - Reviews projects for compliance with City zoning codes.
Advanced Planning - Implements policies of the General Plan and prepares Municipal Code text amendments, zone changes and General Plan amendments
Historic Preservation - Advises about historic preservation issues.
Environmental Compliance - Monitors and maintains documents and certifications for State and local requirements.
Plan Check - Reviews project plans and issues permits for all new development and renovation projects.
Building Inspections - Inspects and issues certificates of occupancy for all construction projects.
Code Enforcement - Investigates property maintenance nuisances, such as control of overgrown vegetation, unlawful accumulation of debris, vacant buildings, unlawful use of potable water, etc.
This profile report was prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments and shared with the City of Sierra Madre. SCAG provides local governments with a variety of benefits and services including, for example, data and information, GIS training, planning and technical assistance, and sustainability planning grants.
Profile of the City of Sierra Madre